Los Angeles Department of Water & Power’s Dawn Cotterell reports that refilling of the
Ivanhoe Reservoir will begin as early as this December. Ivanhoe’s level of water is low
due to work on the Silver Lake Reservoir Aeration and Recirculation Project. Water used in
the refill will come from the Pollock Wells near the Los Angeles River, which is not part of
LADWP’s potable (drinkable) water system.
Work on the reservoirs is part of the new recirculation and aeration project, which is being
constructed in two phases. During phase one, LADWP crews will install air compressors
that to increase oxygen levels in both reservoirs— and facilitate mixing of the water
overall. In phase two, LADWP crews will install recirculation pumps at an existing vault
near the Ivanhoe Reservoir to further blend the water and prevent stagnation. That phase
will require the complete draining of Ivanhoe, which will take place early next year.
Completion of the entire project is expected by Summer 2023.
The Silver Lake Reservoir Complex is an operational facility and LADWP maintains the
open water bodies, including water quality to control algae growth and reduce potential
odors from anaerobic (lack of oxygen) conditions.
Learn more about the Aeration Project here.