The Silver Lake Wildlife Sanctuary (SLWS) has submitted comprehensive comments on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) being conducted for the proposed Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Master Plan (SLRCMP). The 23-page report was written by the Sanctuary with counsel from the law firm of Chatten-Brown, Carstens & Minteer LLP, hired by the SLWS to ensure the city and its Bureau of Engineering consider all public comments on the EIR, as guaranteed by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The mandatory EIR is being conducted by the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and will study issues including cost and duration of the project, impact on traffic and parking, potential increase in crime and homeless encampments, negative impact on reservoir wildlife and migratory animals, and noise and light pollution.

The SLWS said, “We felt the organization should submit scoping comments that would throw the widest net possible, to enlarge the 'scope' of the report. By researching and writing these comments ourselves, with the guidance of a CEQA lawyer, we hoped readers would find new information relating to their own concerns and alerting them to other potential negative impacts. Then, when the actual draft environmental impact report comes out in the summer, readers may have even better grounds to evaluate whether the report did its job.”
Read the Silver Lake Wildlife Sanctuary's Full Comments here.
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Photo courtesy of Silver Lake Wildlife Sanctuary